Heat Pumps
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What is a Heat Pump System?
A heat pump is a highly efficient system that can significantly reduce your energy bills and emissions, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional heating methods.
Take a look at the information below on the different types of Heat Pumps we offer and contact our team today for a no obligation chat on how our systems work and if they would be the best solution for you. We can also advise you on how to source up to £9000 government funding towards your heat pump system.
Air Source Heat Pumps
In simple terms, an air source heat pump works like a reverse fridge, absorbing heat from the outside air, even when temperatures are well below freezing. This air is passed across a small amount of contained gas which heats at a much lower temperature, this heat is then transferred to your heating system and hot water tank.
Providing the heating system has been calculated and designed correctly,an air source heat pimp can comfortably operate at temperatures of minus 15°C and lower. While an air source heat pump needs electricity to run, due to the nature of the heat exchange coming from the air outside transforming the air’s heat energy into heating and hot water so the heat output can be as much as 3 times greater than the electricity input, which makes them an energy-efficient heating system.
Ground Source Heat Pumps
Ground source heat pumps extract thermal energy (heat) from the ground near your property and convert this into heating and hot water for your home or business. Installed either horizontally with pipes laid out over a large surface area (mid-size HP requiring around 400 square metres) or vertically, requiring a borehole up to 120 metres deep. The actual unit is stored inside, with pipes feeding into it from the outside. The unit heats your home by circulating a refrigerant fluid through the pipes, which absorbs thermal energy from the ground and funnels it back to the heat pump unit inside your property.
A compressor inside the heat pump increases the temperature of the liquid, passing it to a heat exchanger which transfers this heat to your radiators, hot water cylinders, and/or underfloor heating. Ground source heat pumps are designed to work in cold temperatures and are incredibly efficient providing the calculations and system design have been done correctly.
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